To all the healthcare workers on the front lines...doctors, nurses, orderlies, lab techs, support staff, janitors, chaplains and all those who work outside of the spotlight...thank you for all that you are doing, for the sacrifices you've made and are continuing to make. We know that you are putting your life and personal health at risk, and the lives of your family and those you love, to help save people you don't know, who are fighting for their lives. That is heroic.
We know that there are wins and losses, and that those loses are emotionally devastating. We know you're tired...and stressed...and burned out...and emotionally drained...but you continue to push on...that is heroic.
On behalf of everyone that works at 2 Friends Printing, and all of our families, we cannot thank you enough. We appreciate you, we support you, and we are praying for you. Please be safe and know that your work are not in vain.
You truly are our HEROES!

#coronavirus #covid-19 #healthcare workers #doctors #nurses #hospital